Sunday 1 December 2013

November Favourites.

It's that time of the month again! The end of it, which means it's time for another favourites list. So without further ado, here's a selection of some of my favourite things from the past 30 days:

Knee-high bed socks - Optimum comfort and warm for more than just your feet and ankles; what could possibly be better than that?!

My 'Counselling and Interpersonal Psychology' unit - When I first saw that I had to take this unit during my first year I didn't really see why. I didn't think it was relevant to my course title and I didn't think I'd enjoy it at all. Thankfully I have been proved wrong on all accounts. It links to my course with regards to possible career possibilities in my future field of work, we haven't had to do any role-playing so far -I absolutely detest that sort of learning activity- and I'm actually really, really enjoying it.

Vitamin Water - In particular: 'Revive' and 'Defence.' They taste great and bump up your vitamin levels. The only down side is that compared to other drinks available they are quite pricey -especially for a cheapskate come student like me! So for me these are usually a bit of a treat, and that's usually when a supermarket is doing a deal on them, haha!

Bodycare - I had seen this shop in Bedford and in Luton, and I'd heard it was cheaper than both Boots and Superdrug. But it wasn't until Monday that I actually went into one. To be honest I wasn't expecting much. I had heard the prices were low so I assumed it was going to be like the drugstore version of Aldi and Lidl. However I was pleasantly surprised. They had a wide range and all of it was the brands you would expect, not the foreign knock-offs I was expecting to see. The two things that really sold this shop to me and will mean future purchases in there are: they had all five of Garnier's 'Moisture Match' moisturises -I read about them around my birthday and have been looking for the 'Goodbye Dry' one ever since, with no success until then- and the wide range of hair dyes they had in stock -Just looking at the Swarzkoft dyes I spotted a few I'd not see or rarely seen before and picked out three colours that I'm torn between getting.

Garnier Moisture Match - Goodbye Dry Moisturiser - I'll be honest with you, I wasn't expecting much from this moisturiser. Although Garnier is one of my go-to brands, I've had absolutely no success with moisturisers from any brand. Some have worked a treat for a while and then my skin has become accustomed to it and it stops having any effect on my dry skin. So far I am loving this moisturiser and I really, really hope it keeps up the good work in the long run! Also, it smells really nice.

Tea with sweetener - This is quite a random and somewhat boring favourite of mine this month. But to summarise why it's on my favourites list, my boyfriend made me a cup of tea and instead of putting sugar in he put some of his sweetener in it and it tasted 10 times better than the tea I make with sugar.

So those are my favourites, and in some cases pleasant discoveries, this month. What have you been enjoying this month?

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