Saturday 29 March 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Film.

I have briefly come out of my blogging retirement in order to prompt anyone who stumbles across this post to go and watch the new Captain America film. It is outstanding; gripping from start to finish; and just simply amazing.

It's my new favourite film -and yes that is based on one viewing alone, because it really is that good- and I cannot wait until it is released on DVD. Being the impatient person that I am, I may end up going to the cinema at least one more time to watch it before the DVD comes out.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Second Thoughts & Rethinking Things.

I know at the start of the month I created a post suggesting a possible monthly post structure for my blog. I thought having five posts every month, and four out of those five posts having the same theme each month, would really benefit my blog and maybe attract a few more people, as my blog would have a regular, flowing structure to it -unlike now where it's all over the place in terms of content, and a bit hit or miss in terms of how frequently I post things. 

However I'm now having second thoughts. And those second thoughts aren't about my proposed structure -in fact I quite like it. My second thoughts are about my blog in general. I know people look at my posts -that I can tell from my page views, obviously- but there has never been any input or feedback from anyone. It didn't really get to me at first as I was obviously just starting up and those sort of things don't exactly happen over night. But I've been writing this blog now for almost six months, and the lack of interaction is getting a little disheartening -not to mention the embarrassing fact that my follower count is still at zero. It's starting to feel like I'm just talking to myself. Which is why I'm now considering stopping my blog instead of putting more into it. I just feel that at this rate any more effort I put into this blog will be wasted.

So from this point on it is very likely that my posts will become much less frequent than they are now -bet you didn't think that was possible, eh? I can only really picture myself coming on here in future to document memories I want to make permanent, sort of like treating this mass of html and pixels as a collective journal of all my holidays, road trips, parties and little successes in life etc. I may also log on to recommend a new band I've discovered/rediscovered to anyone who happens to stumble across this little blog I've got.

To anyone who did regularly check my blog: thank you; sorry for not being the blogger I originally thought I was cut out to be; and if you bother to look at my blog in the future -which I doubt you will- then I look forward to sharing some of my life's highlights with you. 
-Hannah. :)

Saturday 1 March 2014

More Structure?

Ever since starting up this blog I've be very aware of the fact that there is no real structure to my blog, both in terms of what I post and how frequently I post it. I've also been aware of the fact that a lot of bloggers -all much better and more experienced at this than me- have certain days they upload posts, and in some cases certain days they upload a certain type of post.

I'm not suggesting that I'm going to start posting on three certain days a week. That would be nice, but I'm a terrible blogger, who lacks frequent inspiration for posts. So instead I am proposing a loose, monthly schedule. 

My proposal is that every month I post a:
  1. Run down of my favourite things from the previous month,
  2. Music/band recommendation,
  3. Post focussing on some aspect of university life,
  4. Random recommendation/review (be it a book, film, beauty product, meal, restaurant, item of clothing, shop or YouTube channel etc.),
  5. Unspecified post. This could be a post on absolutely anything as a little unpredictable surprise for you.
The posts may not necessarily be posted in the above order though. And for the time being it's just an idea; although I am thinking of trial running it next month.

I'd love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
-Hannah. :)