Wednesday 13 November 2013

Future Purchases - Part 2?

The fact that there is a hole in a pair of my black leggings, in a rather inconvenient place, and also the fact that Christmas is slowly approaching, led me to go on the New Look website this evening. It's turned out to be a bit of a financial disaster, as we all secretly knew it would be.

I currently have eight items sat in my shopping basket, that together come to nearly £64 after my student discount. One of those items is a twin pack of black leggings, two more of the items are additional non-black pairs of leggings, two items are Christmas presents for my boyfriend and the remaining three are completely unrelated to the reasons I went on the website and are for me.

I've already brought quick a few clothes this term -I got a bit trigger happy so to speak when taking advantage of my student discount- and don't have enough wardrobe space for the amount of clothes I have already, so realistically I don't need these items -bar the black leggings and Christmas presents. But that doesn't stop me from wanting all of those items.

What I think I will do when my boyfriend -a.k.a. my voice of reason- gets in from work is to show him a selection of the items in my basket -excluded the his ones obviously- and get him to try and reason with me and talk me into removing one or two of the items in order to bring the cost down a bit. Although flicking through my basket I can only see two items that I could see myself removing.

I never realised I was such a shopaholic! Damn student discount and my weakness for nice clothes!

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