Monday 11 November 2013

Future Purchases?

More and more these days I am noticing items that I feel a need to purchase. Not a need in the sense that I actually need them for some aspect of my life, but a need as in a burning desire to own these items on my ever growing list.

As I haven't posted in quite some time I thought I'd do a little run down on some of the things that have caught my eye whilst window shopping. I may also explain why I want/need them to try and reason with myself into either buying them or forgetting about them.

First up is a penny board. If you don't know what a penny board is the best way I can describe it is a mini, misshaped skateboard. I've liked the idea of having one since I first heard about them and then today I saw some in a shop window. Naturally I went in. It turns out they're selling the penny boards for £25 each. I was tempted to buy one write there and then but then logic and reasoning decided to kick in. I have no idea if that's a good/reasonable price to pay for one and I don't actually know how frequently I would use a penny board if I had one.

Then we have a number of canvases that have caught my eye -they were in the same shop as the penny boards. My housemates occasionally comment on how our house could do with a bit of decoration on the walls, so this want could actually become a purchase. I mean when they're selling three adequately sized canvases for £20 who could say no? My one concern though it that the shop will disappear before I get around to buying anything from there -if I buy anything from there- as I think it's just one of those random pop-up shops that are around for a few months and then move on somewhere else. I hope it doesn't turn out to be that way, but I think it's pretty likely considering that they don't even have a shop sign.

This is quite a boring one, but I want to invest in a few more vest tops and cami tops, so I can layer up a bit more as the weather gets worse and the temperature plummets. I'm not thinking of anything fancy though. Just your bog standard Primark and New Look ones.

Finally, I've also spotted a pair of adorable slipper-boot-things in Sainsbury's on my last trip there. They are most definitely going to be a future purchase -I'm thinking of going food shopping tomorrow or Wednesday so I'll get them then- because I genuinely believe that I need them. I have bed socks that are super warm and cosy but the bottoms of them get so dirty from walking around the house. In fact my nice blue pair have black-grey bottoms no matter how many times I wash them, and with these slipper-boots I wouldn't have that problem because they have a rubber sole.

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