Monday 21 October 2013

My Birthday Weekend.

As some of you may be aware it was my 20th birthday on Sunday. I went home on Friday evening with my boyfriend in order to 1) spend my birthday with my family, and 2) go out the day before my birthday with my boyfriend for one of my birthday presents.

It was a little bit of a rush on the Friday evening to get home. I have a 4pm to 5pm lecture on Fridays, meaning I get into the bus station at 6:15pm. So in order to save a bit of time my boyfriend picked me up from the bus station and we headed straight to my house, just over an hour away, from there. The best part about that evening once I arrived home was that my cat , Jess, met me halfway up the footpath to my front door. I thought it was really sweet and I made me really happy because I've missed having her around -I think, at least I hope that, the feeling was mutual.

The next day Brandon and I were off into London -Hyde Park Corner specifically- where I was treated to lunch at the Hard Rock Café. The place was absolutely amazing! I loved looking around at all the memorabilia on the walls and telling Brandon what song was being played and who it was by. We were sat under one of John 5's guitars after our 40 minute wait for a table was up. I had the California Chicken Club sandwich, a Pickled Tink cocktail -which was delicious- a bit of a Berry Margarita and some of Brandon's chocolate brownie -this too was delicious.

After we'd finished and paid the bill we headed over to the Hard Rock shop next door. I spotted a few things I liked but didn't say I wanted them as Brandon was giving me the impression that as soon as I spotted something I wanted he'd buy it for me. I'm not one to get boyfriends to spend money on me -even when it is my birthday- and after the total cost of our meal there was no way I was letting him spend any more money on me.

From there we walking to Hamley's and then had a wander around Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Street before heading home on the bus. We spent some more time with my family doing nothing in particular -I got to open one birthday present which was The Breakfast Club on DVD- and then went over to my Nan and Grandad's in order to head off to bed after having a quick chat with them about each other's day and opening my present from Brandon -a Red Sox home shirt(!!!).

The next day was my birthday and I was awoken by my boyfriend shaking my slightly and saying, "It's your birthday!" over and over again because he's just that cute, aha! Once we were washed and dressed we headed back over to my house where I opened all my cards and birthday presents. Apparently I was too slow and meticulous for everyone's liking, but oh well. Then soon after it was time for a big family dinner, a Sunday roast! As it was my birthday I got to chose what meal we had so of course I went for a roast beef Sunday lunch with plenty of Yorkshire puddings! Once that'd had a bit of time to digest it was onto the birthday cake. I opted for the same cake I had for my 16th, a chocolate dinosaur shaped cake from Waitrose; half of which ended up coming back to my uni house with me.

That pretty much sums up my 20th birthday weekend! I had a lovely time and really enjoyed it. This was probably one of the best birthdays I've had so far.

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