Thursday 3 October 2013


October is here and I couldn't be happier about it! October is by far my favourite month; so many good things happen over the course of this month.

In my opinion, October marks the official start of autumn. I love autumn -so much so I used to want to call my daughter Autumn if I ever had one. The leaves turn so many different and beautiful shades, and when they fall from the trees you get to hear that satisfying crunching noise as you walk through piles of them in your ankle boots. You get to layer up and wear cosy jumpers, woolly hats and thick scarves whenever you go out. You begin to appreciate the warmth of a Starbucks to-go cup and you also know that their Christmas coffees aren't too far away -I'm personally a die hard praline mocha fan.

There are some days in October that I consider to be both important and special. My birthday is in October, as are my Nan and Grandad's birthdays. These are obviously important days to me, and what I like is that each birthday is special but also acts like a little reminder of what's to come as we count down to our following October birthdays. Another important day for me in October is mine and my boyfriend's anniversary -I don't think I really need to elaborate on this one. And finally, the final day of October, Halloween. I absolutely adore Halloween! Not in the sense of Trick or Treating or going to fancy dress parties and getting drunk. I mean in the sense of the atmosphere and fun surrounding the day. Nothing makes me happier than carving a pumpkin or two, watching Halloweeny films, dressing up and seeing the effort some people put into their own costumes. It's just so much fun!

I hope you guys enjoy your October as much as I'm going to enjoy mine!

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