Monday 21 October 2013

My First Official Week As A UoB Student.

So technically last week was actually my second official week as a university student. But it was my first week with proper lectures as during my first official week all four of my lectures were purely introductory. Hence why I'm counting my second official week as my first.

A lot of people have had issues with their timetables, but thankfully mine sorted itself out -with the help of the timetable team, or whatever they're called- relatively quickly. My timetable isn't the best but it could be a lot worse. I have full-ish days on Mondays and Wednesday; I get Tuesdays off; and on Thursdays and Fridays I have to go in for an hour in the afternoon.

Although I have yet to be set any work in my tutorials there has been a fair bit of talk about my certain tasks and assessments that will go towards my final grade in each unit. Some of the deadlines are in November; one of which is a literature review, which makes me a little nervous as I don't think I've ever written a lit. review before. All my other up-and-coming things don't seem quite as bad though, so that gives me some piece of mind -I'd be freaking out already otherwise.

I've met some really nice people on my course. Almost all of the people I've met are on my specific course. I find that a little amusing because there are so many students in all of my lectures from other psychology courses, so it's kind of funny how all the Psychology and Criminal Behaviour people I know have managed to find each other amongst the 200+ crowd.

That's all I can really think of to write. If you have any questions or want me to add/tell you about something else relating to my first week of uni feel free to leave a comment asking! :)

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