Saturday 25 January 2014

A #GlitterGetsFitter Late Arrival.

As some of you may be aware, the blogger/YouTuber Sprinkle of Glitter decided that this year she wanted to get fitter and healthier. To help stay on track and motivate herself -and others who had similar New Years Resolutions- she started the 'GlitterGetsFitter' tag on Instagram.

There's a long road ahead.
Photo credit for this image and all others featured in this post goes to Louise, a.k.a. Sprinkle of Glitter.

I thought it was a really good idea and I'm really pleased with how responsive people/Sprinklerinos were to it. What made me pretty excited about this tag was knowing that I'd be able to join in, all be it a bit later than everyone else.

As part of my boyfriend's university course he has to personal train someone for six weeks. I decided to volunteer as his participant for this assignment for two reasons,

  1. I always want to improve my fitness and physical appearance but never get motivated enough to do so. So this seemed like a good way to get my 'bum in gear' and make a start on bettering myself; especially as he's a qualified personal trainer now, so he'll know what exercises are best for the goals I have, unlike me who is totally clueless when it comes to exercise.
  2. My 'before' and 'after' stats, measurements, appearance and God knows whatever else may be recorded will probably get him full marks as I'm tremendously out of shape -although I admit my physical appearance doesn't reflect it too much- and I know he'll make me work hard throughout the six weeks.
We're starting on Tuesday and so far the plan is: I'll be going to the university gym with him on Tuesdays and Fridays; one day we'll work on improving my overall strength, with a focus on core and upper body; and on the other day we'll be focussing on my core stability and balance, with a bit of cardio thrown in for good measure.

I'm pretty excited to start although Brandon did make me a little apprehensive when he said not to pay attention to the other people working out in the gym and to not feel intimidated by any of them as I'm a newbie and everyone else there will be more experienced and doing more than me, e.g. lifting heavier weights and have a better lifting 'form'. Now I hadn't actually thought about that before he mentioned it. I just pictured it being the two of us as I didn't know how many people used the uni's gym; so when he said that I started to feel a little apprehensive and intimidated, just like he told me not too. He also said he'll probably act differently than usual as he wants this to be as professional as possible, which is fair enough and I totally understand, but it might take a little getting used to at first as I've had over two years of acting unprofessionally with him.

But going back to the Glitter Gets Fitter aspect of this post, I'm really looking forward to documenting any improvements I make! Whether it's a tweet outlining what I got up to in the gym or the dire amount of pain I'm in the next day, or Instagram pictures of my hopefully improving figure, gym equipment or a sneaky caramel protein shake if Brandon lets me have some, I'm looking forward to joining in with the rest of the Sprinklerino community.

Depending on how well it goes I may even do a before and after post once my six weeks are up. I'm really hoping I see the improvements I want and get a figure that I'm not only happy with, but proud of. If all goes well and that happens I will definitely start seriously considering joining a gym in order to maintain it all. I've just got to keep my fingers crossed that if that does happen I can actually financially afford to join a gym.

Are any of you guys Sprinklerinos taking part in Glitter Gets Fitter? I'd love to hear how you're getting on so far!

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