Wednesday 22 January 2014

Deaf Havana.

Not my image.
Whenever a Deaf Havana song comes up on shuffle I always find myself thinking, "Wow, I'd forgotten how much I love these guys! Their music is so underrated!" And quite often it has led to me abandoning my iTunes library shuffle session to listen to purely all of their songs -which is currently happening. So I decided I would act on these thoughts and write a short, little post encouraging you to go away and give these guys a listen.

Now I'm no music critic or journalist, so I can't promise the most eloquent review, nor the most analytical and jargon filled. But I'm pretty passionate about this band, and music in general, so what I can do is give you a post detailing simplistically why I enjoy Deaf Havana's music and why I strongly advice you listen to them if you haven't already and if you have a similar taste in music to me.

I first discovered Deaf Havana in 2010 when the music channels I watch began playing their video for 'Nicotine and Alcohol Saved My Life'. Soon after that I saw their video for 'Friends Like These' on another of the music channels; and those first two songs were all it took to get me hooked.

Since then I've downloaded the majority of their music -all legally I might add!- and seen them perform a number of times, either as supporting acts at concerts or at Slam Dunk South, and they have yet to disappoint me. 

So far I've been able to 'connect' with all their music. Now I know that sounds a little odd, and I can't really explain it all that well, but what I mean is that when I hear their music -as well as other bands, some I may recommend to you in the future- something in me sort of lights up/comes to life, all of a sudden all I want to do is sing along loudly, while jumping and dancing around the place. There's just something about their sound and their lyrics that makes me want to come out of my shell and express myself through them. I guess you could say that I connect with a lot of their songs on an emotional level, or something else that sounds just as cliché. 

I'll leave it there, as I feel that I'm starting to ramble. I hope some of you do go and check out Deaf Havana if you're not already fans. If you do, I would suggest giving the following songs a listen:

Nicotine and Alcohol Saved My Life
Friends Like These
In Desperate Need of Adventure
I'm a Bore, Mostly
Filthy Rotten Scoundrel 
The Past Six Years
Boston Square
Night Drives
Kings Road Ghosts

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