Monday 17 February 2014


I don't think I've made it common knowledge on my blog that I have a 'little' obsession with Italy. It is the one place I am desperate to visit, explore and immerse myself in.

If I ever got the chance to travel across Italy there is so much I would want to do. I'd want to devour all the signature foods of Italy, walk along the beautiful beaches, go to galleries, spend hours walking around museums, visit all the historic landmarks Italy has to offer, walk around admiring the architecture and just completely lose myself every town, village and city I visited along my journey.

In preparation for all of my future visits to Italy -I'm hoping of going to Rome next summer for a few days with Brandon- I've decided that I'm going to learn Italian. I've made small efforts since the summer, but I'm now really going to try. I've even brought myself two books from the book shop affiliated with my university to hopefully help teach myself, along with the two apps I downloaded onto my phone over the summer. 

As, like French, it is a language derived from Latin I'm hoping I'll be able to find some similarities between Italian and French. I studied French for five years at school, so any knowledge I can apply from that to Italian will be a godsend and hopefully make my mission a little bit easier.

Is there anyone else out there who has a mild obsession with another country?
Has anyone else tried to teach themselves a new language? I could do with some pointers, so if you have leave me a comment below with any advice you have on how to tackle learning a new language.

-Hannah :)

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