Sunday 9 February 2014

January Favourites.

Sorry for my absence as of late! I'm very aware that we're already over a week into February and this is my first post of the month; so much for being a better blogger in 2014! Anyway, my failure aside, the start of the month means a new list of my favourite things from the previous month! I can't see this one being too long, as although I've splashed out with all my Christmas gift cards I haven't really tried anything new. 

So out of the existing things in my life and a few new things these are my favourite things from January:

>My Primark hoodies: One cold and windy Monday in January I went into uni with an ineffective number of layers on. By the time I got to my first lecture I felt like a mobile icicle! Knowing it would be much colder in the evening when I began my commute home I decided that in one of my three hour breaks I would pop into Primark in the shopping centre and purchase a cheap hoodie that I could stick under my leather jacket and keep scrunched up at the bottom of my rucksack when I wasn't wearing it. 

And that is sort of what I did. What actually happened was I couldn't find a dark grey/charcoally hoodie -which was for some reason the specific colour I had in mind- so I found two other colours that I couldn't bring myself to choose between -burgundy and a really nice dark green- and a Ramones t-shirt to wear to the gym that was the same shade of green as one of the hoodies.

All three are super comfortable and that is why they're one of my January favourites. Sorry about the super long back story! 

>My leather jacket: That badboy is still one of my favourite things, especially now I've got three hoodies to pair it with for a bit of extra warmth!

>Juicy Water - Lemons & Limes: I've always wanted to try Juice Water but I've never been able to pick between the flavours they offer. The choice always came down to either Lemons and Limes or Raspberries and Lemons. One day in Tesco I found myself once again trying to decide between the two when my friend came up to me and recommended the Lemons and Limes one. Following her recommendation that's the one I brought and I've been hooked ever since!

>Maybelline Baby Lips - Cherry: During the Christmas holidays my sister brought three of the Baby Lips range with some of her Christmas money. I noticed she left the orange one on the table and me being the odd ball I am picked it up and sniffed it -I find that the smell of a lip balm is a very important deciding factor on whether I like it or not. It smelt amazing! And for that reason alone when I found myself in Superdrug looking to spend my gift card I popped one into my basket.

So there's a quick-ish run through of my January favourites. What were some of your favourite things over the course of January?
-Hannah :)

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