Thursday 20 February 2014

My Training Programme | Update.

I'm now just about two thirds of the way through the six week training programme I'm taking part in for Brandon's degree. I thought now would be a good time to do an update on how things are going before doing a 'Before and After' post on it.

Balance & Core Stability:
So far so good on both counts, although my balance does seem to be a little hit or miss at times in my opinion. That being said I do think that it's improving and Brandon has noted the same. 

My core stability has gotten sooo much better! On my first day I managed to plank for 42 seconds and on Tuesday I was able to plank to a whole minute after completing the whole session! *pats self on the back* And because that was after just over an hour of exercise Brandon reckons that I could probably last around a minute and a half at the start of a session. So that is a pretty big improvement for four sessions of work!

This is 'the plank', just in case any of you were thinking that Brandon had me planking on gym equipment.
(Not my image)
What I really like about my balance and core stability day is that although I'm working really hard it doesn't feel like it during the sessions. I mean yes I can feel 'the burn' and certain muscles being activated by certain exercises and movements; but I'm not going red in the face, sweating buckets and pulling faces that make it look like I have constipation. 

Strength & Toning:
This day is proving to be incredibly challenging. Getting the form right for 'cleans' and the like is something that I end up working on every week, and it gets really, really frustrating. But I haven't given up or called it quits, so that's got to count for something, right?

Miraculously, I am showing some improvements though in terms of my strength. I went from lifting 12kg to lifting 30kg. Now I know that that is barely even a fraction of what some people can lift, and I know I'm not exactly lifting 30kg with the greatest of ease -with no ease at all when it comes to lifting it above my head- but I'm a tiny female who has only been lifting once a week for the past three weeks -I haven't had my strength training yet this week- so I'm entitled to be pleased with myself.

This is one of the moves I do within a strength session. The weights on my bar are a lot smaller than these; I have 5kg on each end, which equates to 30kg when you factor in the 20kg bar.
(Again, not my image)
I haven't really noticed any changes in my body -if anything I think my stomach has gotten flabbier- but according to Brandon there are a few visible changes from the sessions so far.

So there's a quick little update for anyone who is interested.
To any Sprinklerinos out there who are also taking part in 'Glitter Gets Fitter' I hope you're having as much success as me -if not more!
-Hannah. :)

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