Wednesday 19 February 2014

We Are The In Crowd | Music Recommendation.

My post encouraging you to check out the band Deaf Havana seemed to go down pretty well, in terms of views at least seeing as I have no way of knowing of anyone then went on to give the band a listen. I hope some of you did though! And that is for two reasons: 1) Their music is amazing, and 2) I'm about to repeat the process with another amazing band.

The band pictured above are We Are The In Crowd, who come from the state of New York. They are signed with Hopeless Records and have recently released -literally a few days ago- their third full length album -if you include Guaranteed to Disagree as an album instead of an EP- entitled Weird Kids.

I first discovered We Are The In Crowd at Slam Dunk South Festival in 2011. This was the year that I went with my friend Ella. Prior to the event I had looked up the line up for each stage and what times each band were due to come on; and on the day planned to travel around watching the bands I wanted to see and then catch a few songs by bands I'd never listen to or heard of before between sets. However, Ella pointed out to me that one of the stages had a far better overall line up than all the other stages and suggested we just stayed put there for the day. After listening to her words of wisdom and accepting the fact it would mean missing bands such as Zebrahead and Less Than Jake, I agreed that staying at that stage all day sounded like a good plan.

We Are The In Crowd just so happened to be one of the many bands lined up to play that stage -bet you didn't see that one coming, huh? Prior to them coming on stage I had only heard of them and after their set I sorely regretted not listening to them sooner. They completely blew me away and I've been a massive fan of theirs ever since! I'm really hoping they have the same effect on some of you guys!

We Are The In Crowd often get compared to Paramore. I personally think they sound absolutely nothing alike. The one and only thing they have in common is the fact that both their lead vocalists are females. And We Are The In Crowd aren't the only band to be compared to Paramore within this genre of music purely because they have a female vocalist and that really, really annoys me. Just because a band has a female lead vocalist does not mean they're going to be or sound like the most popular band with a female vocalist within that genre. So if you do go ahead and listen to We Are The In Crowd once you've finished reading this, please go in with an open mind and don't expect them to be a Paramore rip off. They are their own band and put in far too much effort to be considered a copy of a more famous band instead of a band in their own right.

Songs I would suggest listening to:
Never Be What You Want
Both Sides Of The Story
Both Sides Of The Story (Acoustic)
Rumour Mill
Kiss Me Again
Exits and Entrances
The Best Thing (That Never Happened)

Let me know what you think of WATIC in the comments!
-Hannah. :)

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