Sunday 8 September 2013

Ashridge and the Tree Chapel.

Yesterday a good friend and I went on a bit of an explore. Our first destination was Ashridge Estate, where we wondered around in the huge forest which is a National Trust protected site. Along the way though we popped into a mill where we purchased a four cheese loaf of bread -it was absolutely amazing!

One of my panoramic snaps of the Ashridge Estate.
Another of my Ashridge Estate panoramic snaps.
Once we'd finished wondering around the woods and had a spot of lunch we headed of to the Tree Chapel. Which is basically a load of trees and bushes that have been planted to created the layout of a chapel. I can't remember the name of it's location but if you fancy a visit there I'm sure it'll come up if you Google it. After all there can't be that many chapels made of trees. 

Then after taking a few pictures there we headed of to the Dunstable Downs where we watched people of all ages flying kites of all kinds, as well as the occasional glider plane. 

A quick picture of the owl bench situated within the Lady Chapel of the Tree Chapel.

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