Sunday 1 September 2013

August Favourites.

  1. Mint green. I've never really been a fan of the colour green, but these days I am absolutely loving anything that is mint green. It's well on its way to becoming my joint favourite colour!
  2. The annual Larks' Holiday. This one is a little tricky to explain in terms of who the Larks are. Basically my boyfriend's family and four other families, along with a few others, are all really good friends and collectively call themselves 'The Larks.' Every year they go on holiday together, usually to a Haven site. This was my first holiday with them and I was a little apprehensive at first as I still feel like the newbie in some ways, but I did really enjoy myself. The one thing I felt was missing from the holiday though was Brandon and I having a romantic evening on the beach, around and just after sunset.
  3. My boyfriend. Don't be surprised if he pops up in a number of my monthly favourites, because it's quite likely that he will. He's an amazing guy and I'm very, very lucky to have such a great guy in my life; therefore he makes my 'August Favourites' list. :)
  4. Revlon Colour Burst Lip Butter. Either the day of A-Level results day or the day after I treated myself to a little haul in Boots. Two of the items I purchase were the 'Juicy Papaya' and 'Raspberry Pie' Revlon Lip Butters and I love them. The 'Raspberry Pie' one looks like a deep purple but actually comes out a deepish pink, which was a bit of a surprise but I like it nonetheless.
  5. Blistex Relief Cream. I have quite dry lips and my mum saw this in the supermarket and brought it thinking of me. I highly, highly recommend it, unless you don't fancy a slight tingly sensation once you've applied it, in which case this probably isn't for you.
  6. Paperchase. I absolutely love Paperchase. It is one of my all time favourite shops -even though it is a little bit pricey- and I could honestly spend hours in there.
  7. Purple hair and full fringes. I died my hair red in June of last year and have been trying for the past three dyes to go from red to purple. It looks like I've succeeded at first but then my hair slowly fades from purple to purpley-red to faded orangey-red. However this time I think I've actually succeeded, my hair is still very much purple but it could turn at any minute -well any hairwash. I also got my hair cut this month and had a full fringe put in. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but after playing around with it and getting used to it, I can say that I'm now a fan of my fringe, ahaa!

A quick snap on the cliff top.

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