Thursday 26 September 2013

My Moving In Experience.

I'm officially all unpacked and on the road to settling into my new house. I thought I'd briefly go over my experience with you as you can compare your experiences to mine -if you've moved before- or you can have a little idea of what lies ahead of you if you have yet to move out.

Firstly I had a cheeky pamper evening the night before I left. My main reason for this being, it was the last time -excluding future visits home- that I would be using water and beauty products without having to fork out any money myself for them. Now I know that's very cheap of me, but like all students I'm a very cheap person. That was then followed by washing, drying and straightening my hair in order to save time the following morning; which in turn meant that I could stay in bed for an extra twenty minutes.

Then I went to bed relatively early as I had to wake up at the unearthly hour of 8:30am the next day. Things got off to a flying start I was dressed and had my make-up done by the time my dad had loaded all my bags and boxes into the car, and by 9:15 my parents and I were on the road.

Chillin' in the backseat, looking surprisingly awake.
As the house is a bit over an hour away the car journey was hardly long or exhausting. We ended up getting to the property 55 minutes early, so we decided to head back the way we came in order for my parents to have a quick shop and a cheeky cuppa in the Waitrose that was a few miles away. Although I hadn't had breakfast I opted to stay in the car -where I broke into a packet of pain au chocolat- as I didn't really feel safe leaving all my possessions unattended in the carpark.

At 11am I got a text from my boyfriend saying he had collected everyone's keys from the estate agents and would be at the house in 15 minutes. We arrived about half an hour after that text, due to that cheeky cuppa I mentioned my parents having.

Once we got to the house the unpacking process was relatively quick. Everyone with muscles -so everyone bar me- worked on bringing boxes and bags into the house, while I transferred their contents into the relevant rooms. While I was emptying some boxes so my parents could take them back home, the two of them got to work checking we had electricity, hot water and heating, and that the boiler, fridge, freezer and cooker were all turned on.

My parents then departed and I got to work unpacking the bags in my room and finding places to store things. There were two things that disappointed me about my room. The first was that there is not a single draw in my room so everything I unpacked is very much on display. The only things that are not fully visible are my clothes -that's my second disappointment. You would think that there would be a fair amount of wardrobe space in a double room, after all the fact it is a double room implies that there is a suitable amount of room for two people. However that's not the case with the wardrobe in my room; it's tiny. It was a bit of a struggle to get mine and Brandon's clothes in there; in fact just over a third of the clothes I brought here with me are still in my holdall at the bottom of my bed.

Other than those two little issues with my room, the lack of plug sockets, lack of storage space in the kitchen and the hour long wild goose chase we went on looking for the metres with our electricity and gas cards, everything is fine. Well it's fine so far.

Until Monday it was just Brandon and myself living here, his twin brother moved in that evening and our other two housemates moved in yesterday. It's still early days, so we have yet to go through the stages of group formation and reach the reward of a functioning household at the end of that tunnel. Although we did have our first bonding session last night. It started out as a group curry; then it moved on to a very serious game of 'the floor is lava' when one of us spotted a fairly big spider; and it ended with us watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean once the spider was disposed of.

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