Wednesday 11 September 2013

My New (Academic) Years Resolutions.

This term/semester there are a lot of new things happening in my life. Because a lot of things everything is going to be so different to what I've experienced before I decided it might be a good idea to try and make some additional changes to my life/lifestyle, to help me grow as an individual, hence the title of this post.

My first resolution is to act/be more confident. In my journal I have a number of quotes written down referring to confidence. Confidence has always been something I've struggled with -I personally think that goes hand-in-hand with how socially anxious I get- and it's always been something I've wanted to change. I've always hoped that one day I would feel more confident in myself and see/feel a raise in my self-esteem; but that day has yet to come and I figured that that day isn't going to come until I start to portray a sense of confidence in myself. You know, the whole reverse psychology thing, pretend to be confident and then you'll become and feel more confident? Yeah, that sort of thing.

My second resolution is linked to my first, and it is to be happier with my appearance. A lot of different things factor into this one. The main thing being that I want to feel happier with my looks and overall appearance in order to help me feel more confident and to help to raise my self-esteem a little too. When I'm out in public I'm very much the big hoodie/jumper/coat wearing, head down, quick walking girl you occasionally spot going from A to B. I'd like to change that, I want to be able to walk down the street with my head held high -or at least higher- and not feel like an idiot or have to continually resist the urge to look at the ground in front of me while I'm doing it. 

I know this particular resolution will involve more time and effort than I usually put into my appearance, which I'm okay with -for now at least. It also means less lazy days, which is the aspect I have mixed feelings about. I like how quick and easy it is to get ready on a lazy day, which I'll miss; but I never really feel any sort of self confidence when I go out during one of my lazy days, which is the part I won't miss. The main thing I'm not looking forward to is the money side of things. I'm a student with an excel spreadsheet that's telling her she is just about going to get by if all goes well and she can stick to just having the bare necessities. So I'm hardly going to be in a position to buy things like eyeliner, mascara and body butter when they run out. Which means I'll have to rely on my hopefully specific enough birthday and Christmas lists.

My third resolution is to start swimming again and to go on a weekly run. My fitness level is shocking and I think now would be a good time to improve both my fitness and my health. My family are very much the sort of people who show they care through putting you down and making fun of you, which is why I've never even bothered going for a run before, as I know it would result in a tired and sweaty Hannah with a lower self-esteem than before she went on a run. Thankfully I've found myself a loving and supportive boyfriend who I know will encourage and motivate me to improve my health and fitness. Woo-hoo!

My fourth resolution is quite simple. I want to be tidier. I have a habit of piling things, be it clothes, books, DVDs or a mixture of them all. So I aim to locate a place for each of my possessions and always return them to that place instead of letting them pile up on a table or the floor. Another part to this resolution is tidying and cleaning, two things I tend to avoid doing. As this house is both mine and four other people's I am going to try and keep it as clean and tidy as possible by doing my fair share of the work -although I've been told that when it comes to some aspects of tidying/cleaning I'm hardly a domestic goddess, so we'll have to wait and see how this one goes.

My fifth and final resolution is to make sure I don't end up taking my boyfriend for granted now that I'll be living with him. I don't want us to get stuck in a rut and then slowly begin to drift apart -which happens to a lot of couples when they move in together- I want our flame to remain as strong and as bright as it is, I want our goofy romance to last and never falter. In order to do this I have come up with -and found through internet research- a number of ways to let him know how much I appreciate and love him, and a number of ideas to break our day-to-day routine once we've developed one without breaking the bank at the same time. All of which I'm really excited about doing. :)

So there are my five resolutions for the new academic year. Hopefully I can achieve the majority of them. *fingers crossed*

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